Thursday, May 04, 2006

Why am I even in Montreal this summer?

Those who know me even moderately well know that I’m always on the run. My crazy gong-show of daily life aside, trotting the globe will soon barely be an understatement… life is always on the go. But… what am I running for?

The answer to that depends. It depends on what the purpose of my life is. And that, surprisingly, isn’t so complicated, although I've often been challenged to make sure my activities really reflect my life's purpose.

When I was in grade 10, parties and drinking became the cool thing to do among my friends. We were amazingly great, close friends…until I made a decision not to join them. The painful fickleness of those friendships set me off on a hunt for something more certain. It was then that I really “found” God. All along, I had unshakable faith in His existence… but that year, I began to understand that knowing God is so much more than just an understanding or a set of beliefs but it is what truly living is, and experiencing life just as God intended, the best and fullest life beyond imagination. He has since become the best friend, the greatest friend I would ever know.

"Now this is eternal life: that they may know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." John 17:3

My first purpose? To know God more and more deeply, because that is what brings me true joy - it is what I was created for; I have experienced for myself that it really is life.

Two years ago, I had an amazing opportunity to travel to Tanzania, East Africa, also with Campus Crusade for Christ. For six weeks, I met with students, or went to villages, and talked with them, and shared with them what God has done has done in my life, and the gospel of Jesus . As I saw people come to know God and to see their lives changed continually as I keep in touch with them, I have never been the same since.

My Tanzania journal reads… “I set out to change the world, but more so, AFRICA CHANGED ME! I’m not the same little girl I was 6 weeks ago. I’m still a little girl, but with a whole lot of LIFE! I learned a LOT during this trip, but most importantly I learned that the “Christian life” is more than just being a good girl, more than following rules, even more than just being set apart. It is more than peace in my heart and hope for the future. It is even more than a promise for salvation at the end of this life. It is serving the Lord with all my heart and experiencing the JOY & fulfillment that comes with that, and THAT is living the life that God created me for!”

“I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.” Philemon 1:6

My full purpose? To also share God’s love and the joy of knowing Jesus with others, so that they may experience the abundant life that Jesus promised, and so that I myself may have a fuller understanding of the awesome life I have in Christ.

So that is why I am in Montreal this summer with Campus Crusade for Christ. We seek to share bring hope and life through the message of Jesus to the city of Montreal. There is a purpose to my running, and Montreal is a part of that journey towards an ultimate end: To know God and to make God known.


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