Solin Hall
We had our first day of “outreach” tonight, just getting to know some of our neighbours in the building - Solin Hall. I baked up some chocolate chip cookies and we spent the evening hanging out with other students in the residence lounge in the basement – played some fooseball and air hockey, watched America’s Next Top model with some other girls and basketball with some guys. Having never lived in rez before, I have no idea what ministry will be like – definitely a different context than say meeting students on campus or in a rural village! But for tonight, I really enjoyed chatting with some of the students that I’ll be sharing a building with for the next little while, it’s like we have already common bond even though we just met! Everyone was really friendly and was curious to know what we were doing in Montreal for the summer. I had a chance to share a little bit about our group, how we are all Christian students that enjoy talking with other students about God and spiritual things, and how many people might think about God but never talk about it because it’s not “politically correct.” Some of the guys we were hanging out asked if people found it weird when we talk with them, but were pretty open when we were chatting. It’ll be cool to get to know them and our other neighbours better over the next couple weeks, as we’re living with each other and becoming friends. It really reminds me of Paul’s ministry in the Bible, when he said to the people in the city of Thessalonica“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”
Pray that we'll be delighted to share our lives as well as the gospel with those we meet here at Solin Hall!
Things to keep in prayer:
We’re having our first weekly coffee house tomorrow in the residence lounge, a time for friends, music, hanging out and exploring spirituality. Pray that students would hear and be interested in coming! We also have a TBA (to be announced!) outreach event coming up this Saturday. I'm not sure what we're doing yet, but do pray for us as we prepare for it!
I’m meeting with the lady from SIM’s intercultural ministries tomorrow, to see if what she is does is what I might be interested in doing this summer. I’ve also applied for a job, although I probably won’t be able to work there because it doesn’t start til mid June goes until August but I’m leaving at the end of June… but it’s a position as a refugee worker, to support refugees (and there are a lot of them here from French-speaking parts of the world) and help them to get settled and integrated into the community. It sounds pretty neat, so I might see if there is an opportunity to volunteer with the organization during May – June. Do keep both of these potential opportunities in prayer, and that God would provide and help me to choose a place where I can joyfully and passionately serve Him.
Things for praise!
Me and my housemates have been getting along great!! (sorry my photo isn't uploading right now!)
My roomie Steph and I are having a great time together too – we’re both early birds which is a blessing for our sleep schedules! And we both like to run, so twice this week we’ve gotten up together at 7 to go running before our team prayer time at 8. Jenny’s from UBC, which is awesome, because I was also praying for some “local” friends through project, because although I have a lot of great friends across Canada and overseas… the friendships are really exhausting to keep up with sometimes! And Jessica’s hilarious and brings a lot of fun to our room, AND she studies international development too!! Very very cool. It’s been great, so PRAISE GOD!! Thanks for praying for us and do continue keep us in prayer as our quirky habits might start coming out as we get to know each other better!! =)
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