Saturday, May 13, 2006

Just "availability" for God

Today was definitely a lesson in humility.

We went out today to four different campuses in Montreal (yes, there are FOUR universities here within a few subway stops of each other!!) to talk with students and to share the gospel.

I guess after my experiences in Tanzania two years ago, evangelism (fancy word for sharing the Gospel with other people) it’s become something that is in my “comfort zone” and even something that I love to do - whether on my campus at home or when I meet someone on the bus, the opportunity to share the Gospel hasn’t fazed me, probably because the Gospel and the process of sharing it has become pretty familiar. And I guess I even take confidence in my friendly personality and ability to relate to and talk with new people I meet. My friend Debbie even says I have the “little people advantage” of coming across as “small and harmless” when I approach strangers! So as we headed out today to the campuses, I was feeling pretty good and excited about the day ahead, the first day of campus outreach here in Montreal – that’s what I’m here for!!

But actually…. I can’t tell you too much about the people I met today… because I’m not too sure what happened! For most of the day, all of the people we met spoke only French. Oh dear. My French has been getting better each day since I’ve arrived but I’m still far far far from fluent! We had a survey with questions to begin asking people about spiritual things, like “Do you believe that God exists, why or why not?” and “If you could ask God anything, what would it be?” and “Do you think there is something after death? What, or why not?” Trusting the power of God's Word to touch and change lives, I really just read the questions in French, and let the girls we met reply in French. What they actually said, I’m not sure! My partner Emily and I had the opportunity to share the Gospel with one girl by explaining four "spiritual laws" that summarize the message of the Bible. We also just read through the French version of this booklet, and prayed for the girl’s understanding! And in the afternoon, I went with Julie (a born and raised Quebecoise!) to UQAM, a French campus, and met with one student there and talked with him for almost 45 minutes... and when I say talked, I mean that Julie talked with him while I sat with them, completely lost in the conversation, and prayed. But as Paul, the greatest evangelist of the Bible said

When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified… my message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5

It was a little frustrating but very humbling day, finding myself seeminly largely useless, literally unable to say anything other than the words on a page! But a BIG reminder that I’m not any more adequate or qualified to serve God at any other time, that I am ALWAYS completely inadequate on my own. It just so happened that I REALLY noticed it today! And that even Paul resolved to know nothing except Jesus Christ. I’m not sure who once said “God asks not for our abilities, but for our availability.” With that truth, I trust that what very little I had to offer for God today, He has used for His purpose – to draw people to know Him, even if just a little more!

Things for PRAISE

Everyone had a great day during our day of evangelism, learning and witnessing God work in mighty ways, and evidence of His working in people’s lives long before we arrived in Montreal. See Brad’s blog Brad's blog (under “Montreal day of outreach – Awesome day!") for one amazing story in particular! Praise God for that! And also keep those we talked to in prayer, that the truths or questions that came up today would continue to be in their hearts and thoughts.

Something to pray for:

I met with Murielle, the lady doing the intercultural ministries. She’s a wonderful lady, enthusiastic, so friendly and passionate about her work… but it turns out she doesn’t have something I can help her with on a regular basis this summer. So I’m back to looking for somewhere else to invest my time. And its also been a bit frustrating because no one will return my calls! It’s especially frustrating because I’m not even asking to get paid, I just want to offer my help. Please continue to pray for a good, worthwhile volunteer opportunity, and pray for me to be patient and to resist arrogance as I keep searching and waiting!


At 7:49 PM, Blogger debbie said...

hey you, that's a pretty neat lesson, eh? thanks for sharing...


At 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I pray that the people you talk to will be influenced just by your loving presence, and the Holy Spirit. =)

~Steph P.


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