Monday, May 22, 2006

Da Vinci Update!!

Sorry for the delay… I haven’t been home much since the outreach! But it was great!! We had a chance to talk with people briefly as they came from seeing the movie, 372 people filled out a survey, we gave out 360 magazines that discuss the truths and mistruths behind the Da Vinci Code, and 40 people left their emails to be contacted for more information about Christianity! I’m not too sure what’s happening media-wise, but still definitely praise to God for using this movie to turn people’s hearts towards Him! =)

So far this “Missions Trip” to Montreal has been totally unlike what I had imagined, and our ministry here is quite different than "just evangelism". But it’s been a growing experience to be faithful in serving God in these “less overt” ways, and trusting Him to use these things in big ways for His glory, whether or not we witness it here right away.

Job hunt…. still continues. The refugee worker place decided that it wouldn’t be feasible for me to get involved this summer since I’m only staying for 2 months. So I’m making a more phone calls and sending some emails to organizations in search for another opportunity. An older and wiser staff member Selene (hehe just wiser, not that much older!!) reminded us today that as we’re praying and trusting for God to provide jobs for us, we aren’t just praying as a means to an end, but that our prayers are an end in itself, because we are communicating with God, dwelling in our relationship with Him and growing in our FAITH during this time. And that’s exactly as God would have it, and it’s a time to treasure! =)

Other adventures!

- Me and Steph, my roomie are doing great... even (and especially) in the mornings when we force each other out of bed to go running! we've consistently gone every other day since we've arrived, and we're trying to make it up the whole Mont Royal mountain... we'll see how it goes!

- The joys of rez... I did my laundry late last night, but then realized that Steph had gone to bed and a friend of a friend was crashing in our living room for the night. So I chatted with my sister on the phone while folding my laundry on my lap in the hall at midnight! =)

- After the Da Vinci outreach, we were tired and hungry... a friend Mike invited the whole project home for dinner... and his mom cooked for all of us along with the family! Great big giant thank you to the Dytynyshyn's for your hospitality! =)

I have a couple pictures to post, but my internet's too slow to load the pics right now... I'll try to go to an internet cafe sometime soon and get the pictures up! =)


At 11:41 PM, Blogger debbie said...

whoa, that's a long name.. of Mike's family who cooked dinner for you guys. glad to hear about the outreach.


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